Monday, January 27, 2014

Tax Time (Day 13-Jan. 27th)

Hmmmm, how to describe the last day and a half.  One word: taxes.  Yep it is that time of year again and being married to the marvelous man that I am we are never, never even close to filing late.  In fact if the calendar flips over to February, we are late.  This is a good thing and something I admire and am more than willing to ride along.  However let me add two more words to that first one: glitchy technology.  OOOOOHHHH the wonders of our modern age.  Everything is peaches and cream until it happens.  TWORK!  A glitch!  We must have had to restart our computer 5 times yesterday, run 3 scans, correct, disinfect, and clean.  I am so over having to think about doing anything harder on the computer than typing this blog post and checking my facebook page.

Then today, taxes finally filed, we start on the girls' passports.  My muddlers and I are heading up to Canada this summer to visit with my family.  Since the baby has never had a passport this is a great time to get her one.  I decide to double check the other passports.  Son, check. Still good (we missed our last trip up to Canada because his passport was expired!). Daughter #1, shoot. Expired.  Daughter #2, shoot. Expired.  Mine, ooooo cutting it close.  Expires the month after we get back from our trip!  Well whoop dee doo now we get to go and spend $315 on passports PLUS $33 for their passport photos.  Super fun. 

So we trek into the city (20-25 min from home).  Arrive at the courthouse.  And realize that I have forgotten ALL of the paperwork at home.  Birth certificates, expired passports, the whole thing.  Which means that we get to do it all over again next Monday, as that is the only weekday my hardworking man has off.  Garumph.

So I am off to enjoy a banana, avocado, coconut smoothie and then I am going to bed.

Menu Day 13

Breakfast:  Chocolate banola with coconut milk

Lunch: Homemade spaghetti sauce over zoodles (zucchini noodles-surprisingly delicious)

Supper: Greek veggie and bacon 'pizza'

Snack: banana, avocado, coconut smoothie


  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم نحن فى شركة الكمال تقوم بافضل انواع التنظيف العام وتنظيف الفلل بافضل انواع العالميه التى تحافظ على السيراميك
    شركة الكمال
    شركة تنظيف بالطائف
    شركة تنظيف بجازان
    شركة تنظيف بحائل
    ونحن فى خدماتكم اربعه وعشرون ساعه وكل هذا بافضل الاسعار واقل التكلفة
