I have yet to figure out why I have an attraction to adding to my household. Last Friday was my two older childrens' Spring Carnival at their school. Much fun was had and puppy love was found...make that guinea pig love. One of the prizes that could be bought with the "funny money" they earned from playing games was, yup, a live guinea pig. I will accept the blame in that I mentioned to them "Oh look, a guinea pig for a prize!" Of course they wanted him. What child when presented with the opportunity to own a cute furry creature can pass it up? So after tracking down the donor of GP prize, AND more importantly calling my husband and getting his thumbs up, we became the proud owner of my very first guinea pig.
Just ask my mother about my penchant for bringing home cute animals. I didn't quite get away with the kitten I snuck into the house when I was 12, as my mother is very allergic and knew something was up. I did get away with my green budgie, Claire, who gave my mother sweet revenge by waking me up every morning as soon as the sun even thought of rising. And rabbits. I will admit (openly for the first time) that I took my mini-lop over to my friends house and bred her on purpose, behind my mothers back. But I 100% deny...truthfully even...ever breeding my scary, mean gray bunny Duchess! She was NASTY.
So all that leading to the fact that I still crave caring for small furry (though I've gotten beyond feathery) creatures...in fact, guinea pigs are social, herd animals, so I think I need to go get poor, lonely Hamlet a friend!
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