So I think my ideal woman lives in a different era. Back when most women didn't leave the home to work and girls were taught from a young age how to "keep house". Nowadays keeping house is something you try to fit in between all the other craziness of life. Nathan started playing baseball this year, which so far has been fun, but it takes up two evenings and Saturday morning. Kung Fu takes up Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Add the 15-30 min of homework Nathan has each night and I feel like my head is spinning. Of course I always have mornings to get some work done, but Megan does take up just a bit of my time. Oh yeah, and I forgot that I do church books at least one morning a week (sometimes two).
Oh dear, sounds like I'm complaining...actually more like I'm making excuses for not "keeping house" better.
I guess I need to define what "keeping house" means to me. Let's see...keeping house means keeping my dishes done, laundry done, bathrooms clean, floors clean, house de-cobwebbed, beds made every day, big vegetable garden, beautiful flower garden, home cooking, home canning, laughter, love, and lots of family time. Boy I have a long way to go! Mostly in the "clean" department. Computer, reading, and kids are waaaay more fun!
I'm still struggling to follow some semblance of a routine for keeping up on cleaning my house. I will admit the dishes are getting done much more often and I've actually gotten my bed made almost everyday for the last 2 weeks. I've even de-cobwebbed a few rooms! So I guess habits aren't made in a day and long ago, girls spent years learning how to do it all so I shouldn't give up just yet.

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