Monday, May 3, 2010

Emily's 5 and Missing Megan

Well Emily's birthday party went well. On Thursday night I actually woke myself up with a stomach ache worrying over whether anyone would come or not. I hadn't had any RSVPs yet. Seems kind of silly I suppose to worry over that, but her little heart was sure that EVERYONE invited was going to come. Thankfully, though not everyone could come, her two best friends made it plus several other little girls and their siblings, and her three cousins came. I think she would have been happy with just her two best friends. I was pleasantly surprised that her little friend Lilli from Kung Fu joined us with her family. Emily's was the second birthday party of the day, out of three for them.

When we got home we unloaded all the stuff and then I was having Nathan and Emily pick up all the garbage that was in the van. Megan was following me around and I leaned into the van just for a moment to grab the actual garbage can to empty it and when I had done that Megan was gone. I didn't immediately panic. I went through the shop first because she had been peeking in the door way just a minute before, but when I didn't see her there I did start to panic. I suppose I should explain why I panicked so quickly. Megan is my wanderer. Though she is terribly clingy when strangers are around, on her own she explores and she loves to be outside. The last time she disappeared David found her all the way down our driveway and across the bridge heading out towards the main road. This road is easy on/off to the I-5 and it would only take seconds for her to simply disappear forever.

(This picture is taken from our front yard. The driveway is on the right and heads across the picture to the left. )

So after informing David I couldn't find Megan I ran down the driveway to see if I could see her. Nathan followed me and of course I didn't find her. Now panic was setting in. She had been missing for probably 3 or 4 minutes at this point. I came back to the house where David had been searching with no success and then really started panicking. On the verge of tears I went back out to the shop one more time, and David headed down the driveway, one more time. This time, thankfully, there Megan was in the shop calmly playing with...nails! Sorting them from one bucket to another. I sent Nathan running down the driveway to tell David (shouting all the way "We found her...We found her!") and I promptly burst into tears and picked Megan up and headed down the driveway after Nathan.

Even now thinking about it increases my blood pressure!
God is so good and I thank Him for answering my prayers for Megan to be safe and found!

(This picture is taken maybe halfway down our driveway and shows the covered bridge which begins our driveway. Main road is just across this bridge.)

1 comment:

  1. Glad Emily had a great birthday! I am also glad you found Megan. I think the third one is very determined to be on their own and do their own thing. Sylas is into everything and just this evening we couldn't find him but could hear him fussing. He was all the way up the stairs and couldn't find his way back down. talk about a heartattack. I am so glad he didn't try to come back down.
